




8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
05-02-2020, 01:15 AM

She watched patiently as he chewed the petals, watching the way his gums moved as he did so, and determined the injury was indeed a minor one. The petals would do their work and numb the bitten tongue, and well she would normally recommend less talking for 24 hours, she knew the pain in his heart was greater than that on his tongue by far. She didn’t want to ruin their momentum and stop now.

She hid a smile at his decision to chew them, it told her that he was practical. It was easier to deal with them that way then the other. She startled a little and the amusement faded when he brought up the volcano. “I was… sort of.” she admitted. The eruption had unsettled the earth, and she had fallen into a sinkhole. She had spent some weeks in the dark before she found her way out again. It made her a little leery of small dark spaces.

Pushing aside her own hurts, she considered his words. He had been on the volcano? It was any wonder he had managed to come out of it alive. She began to understand his loss then. He had lost someone important to him - a mentor, a fatherly figure, or his actual blood father, would be her three top guesses after the way he described him. His anger was clear and pronounced, and she wondered if it was directed solely at the traitor, or at the entire situation. She wondered if even Pyrrhic knew.

His words on ‘god’ were interesting. She was not a believer herself, but she could understand the desire to believe in a higher purpose. She wondered if his belief in god and this great act of nature, (or in some cases, perhaps even ‘god’) changed the dynamic of what he was saying, and seeing in that memory. “It’s not your fault he died.” Riva said softly, reading the guilt in his down-cast eyes. “If he was a hero, then likely nothing could have kept him from doing what he believed to be right. No one could have known what was coming, or what the consequences had been. It’s not his fault he had died, either. I bet that if he could have, he would have returned to you.” her voice was soft, and soothing.

She wondered if she should have stuck some ginseng root in with the Merigold, to lower his stress. She figured it was 50/50 if her words were met with anger. Addressing what hurt you often caused wolves to lash out. Like binding a gaping hole in a wolf, they didn’t realise it was helping, they just saw how it hurt them more in the moment. She had earned a few of her scars that way.
