


08-26-2013, 01:03 PM
OOC Name: saffie
How did you get here?: magic
Age: 19

Character's Name: Nausica
Age: pup
Season of birth: summer
Size: 40 in
Appearance description: A lush shadow of night, her pelt with made up of a thick, rich ebony, that under certain light appears to have a purplish hue. Eyes will be pools of a dark lavender, standing out against her dark pelt. She will look nearly identical to her parents. However, her pelt with differ slightly. The underside of her jaw and cheeks will be made up of a lighter shade of gray that leaks down her chest in a thin stripe, stopping between her front limbs. Her only other markings will be the tip of her tail dipped in ink, and ink speckled along her left shoulder that dissipates down her limb.

Standing at 42 inches tall, she will tower over many females, mimicking her parents impressive stature. She will be built like a tank, a force to be reckoned with. Steel cords of muscle will encase her body, lying beneath her thick pelt, always coiled and ready for action. Despite her side, she will move with surprisingly elegant grace, her curvaceous frame tempting to even the most faithful of males. Her features will be sharp, equally proportionate to her body. Darkness will encase her very being, practiced grace making her a silence, unexpected killer.
Duty: undecided

Extra height is waiting to be accepted in the store