




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-02-2020, 12:21 PM
"So you saw God as one thing all your life, and now suddenly you see him as something else?" Pyrrhic considered this for a moment and then nodded. It was like thinking your parent was a super hero only to discover, rudely, when they let you down in some way, that they weren't infallible. But God was supposed to be different, wasn't He? Abraxas wasn't a mortal and He wasn't just a god, He was the god. The most powerful, the most perfect. And He'd made a mistake, hadn't He? Pyrrhic felt ashamed for even thinking such a thing, but that didn't stop the thought from plaguing him.

Pyrrhic disagreed with Riva about it not being part of a divine plan. This was Abraxas they were talking about, not some lesser water god. There was a purpose to everything. While he may have disagreed with her there, Riva's next words struck home. Perhaps he was supposed to take this time to grow. As a pup he'd spent nearly all of his time preparing to be Emperor; how much time had he had to discover himself? It was plausible.

His eyes had been everywhere but Riva until now as he considered her last statement. Now they searched her gaze, his expression serious. Was this a sign? It seemed awfully coincidental that he would feel the way he did on this day, stumble into a cave and fall to pieces on the ground only to be found and tended to by a woman who seemed to know just what to say. Pyrrhic was desperate enough to be hopeful. He had never felt anything for anyone except family. The only ones close to him were family and thus he'd never explored a romantic interest, so he had no idea what to expect. What he did know was that he was thoroughly enjoying Riva's company. Was this it? Was this what it felt like to have feelings for someone who wasn't blood?

"Perhaps you're right." Time for another confession. His eyes darted away. "I've never..." How to start... "I've spent my entire life trying to become what my family needs me to be. To be a worthy heir and a strong leader. I never had the chance to get out there someone. How do you decide? How do you know who is right for you?" Perhaps that was too subtle but the ball was in her court.
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.