
Find your own way



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-02-2020, 12:47 PM

A pair of voices made the tired man lift his silvery gaze till it could actually focus on the women who had addressed him. He looked at them with confusion for a moment until his mind finally caught up and registered what had been said to him. He didn't think he had lost that much blood, but perhaps that in combination of the physical and mental exhaustion he felt from the last day and a half had finally caught up to him. He could tell from their scents that they were from the same pack that Resin had been from and that helped him calm down just a bit. His focus was still pretty far away with his mind reeling over everything that had gone on in such a short amount of time, but he gave the pair a grateful look all the same.

He pulled himself onto his haunches with a bit of effort so that he would sit up and greet them properly. Even in his rattled, injured state he couldn't let himself be impolite. "Yes... Yes, I do think I'll need a bit of help," he replied with a small nod. "I'm Ulric. I got into a... disagreement with my sister and she got a good bite in on me." His explanation made his ears flick and a sigh pass his lips. It was an overly simplified explanation of what had happened, but there was no need to give these strangers every dark detail of his current situation with his family. "I would certainly appreciate the help if you two don't mind."

"Speech" Thought