
Go and Fix Your Makeup, Girl

Navigation Skill Thread



3 Years
05-02-2020, 01:47 PM

As Koby read her fortune, Sky nodded every one in a while in acknowledgement. The past was accurate, the present was also. Her intention was to create a path that placed her back into a position of leadership, similar to her mother. Skyfire hated how everything was taken, and now she was going to take it back - not by force, but by earning it. She couldn't fight anyway - not yet. First, she had to get bigger, and she had to learn to fight. How she would do that, she wasn't sure, but she had Sirius to teach her.

Then, the reading got to her future. She would meet someone that would provide a home and purpose, and that things were not always as they seemed. Skyfire mused on this for a while. Was this in regards to Sirius? She had a home, but not a purpose yet. Perhaps that would remain to be seen. She listened further as Koby said that she could change her fate at any time. With her being part of the Ashen Armada now, she couldn't go back and had to remain - especially since she couldn't win her way out yet anyway.

The reading was indeed vague. Once Koby finished, Skyfire nodded. "Yeah, I figured that anything I do would ultimately change it anyway. So I have to be careful." she said, following him to the waterfall. She looked over the landscape in thought as he exclaimed he wanted to become the best reader in the world.

"I would love that. Thank you Koby for the reading. Perhaps when I become queen one day, I will employ your services." she said, looking to her left at Koby.

Skyfire thinks. Skyfire listens.

"Skyfire speaks."