
I Won't Be Left

for casso



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
05-02-2020, 07:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2020, 08:11 PM by Kiela.)
lumi thread

Though Kiela was quite focused on the scenery in front of her, she was never so engrossed in her surroundings that she wouldn't notice the approach of a stranger. Though she was young and still naive by most standards, she was unwilling to let her guard down completely, especially in a place so unfamiliar to her. Keeping herself safe was as important as anything else to her, and she wasn't planning on starting her journey off by getting ambushed. The wolves in her homeland weren't exactly the friendliest sort, but most tended to not concern themselves with the affairs of others... she knew things here could be quite different though, and until she figured out just how different, she'd be cautious of those around her.

The sound of the crashing water was loud enough to drown out Casso's approach until he was too close to ignore, but once she heard something unusual to the side, she twisted her head to search for the source of the sound. Though not entirely opposed to company, Kiela hoped this stranger wasn't here to disturb the tranquil mood, though she doubted someone would've come all this way just for that purpose. His approach was cautious, something she appreciated. Kiela was definitely the slow and steady sort herself, unless the situation called for more quick action, which most did not. "It is," Kiela replied slowly, after considering his words for a moment. Her voice had not yet lost its trace of youthfulness, though was laden with a heavy accent. She'd learned much of the tongue of this place before embarking on her journey here, but she was far from completely fluent, and her northern accent was thick and impossible to ignore.

"The mountains - I enjoy," Kiela offered, her words slightly unevenly paced, after another moment of thought. The mountains were certainly a landscape she adored. There was something thrilling about climbing these cliffs that looked impossible to scale, and for a view like this - her orange gaze briefly fell back on the clear, no doubt frigid water of the falls - it was well worth the energy exerted. Slowly the large female turned slightly to face the stranger properly. Her gaze was scrutinizing, though not in malicious way. He was nearly as large as she was, with eyes that were different colors. It was hard to tell much else about him at first glance. "What of you? You live here, maybe?" Perhaps he was merely passing through, or perhaps he called these mountains his home - despite her solitary nature she was curious about him regardless.