


08-26-2013, 01:28 PM

you can take everything from me cause this is all i need

Irin had to admire the spunk of this pup. She felt a smile begin, unfurling on her features as she listened to the pup counter Isardis' words with as much fierceness as he could draw upon. It was hard to take him seriously when he looked to be little more than a few scraps of fur covering some bones, but Irin had never been one to make fun of others. The pup almost reminded Irin of some of her old packmates, wolves that she had barely thought of since her sister had essentially driven her off. Still, she thought he was pretty adorable. And if none of the other females wanted to step up to take care of him (which seemed unlikely), Irin certainly would. She didn't want him to be alone.

"I think it's cute," Irin observed blandly, "I don't think he realizes that it's disrespect, Isardis." This comment she turned towards her King with a twitch of her ears and an inclination of her head to show respect. A smile crossed her features as she turned her attention bac k towards the scrap of fur that had approached their boarders, seeking asylum. It seemed unlikely to Irin that Isardis would turn him aside, but it was a possibility. And Irin would not question her King's choices. His choices were his own and he certainly ruled Glaciem, not her.

Besides, Irin was young enough that she had no room to doubt the wolf who stood before her.
