
The heat of winter




3 Years

Valentines 2020
05-03-2020, 02:24 AM

Theta could feel the change of the seasons in the air. The air had gotten colder and with it came….urges. As much as she hated the cold she also hated the effects that came with it. She was two years old now and it was going to come inevitably with time, but that didn’t mean she was just going to lie down and accept it. It was ironic that her heat came with the cold, two things she knew she hated and was going to hate coming at the same time.

She knew what having a heat meant and mentally she wanted to stick it to nature, let her be childless all her life she didn’t care. About nature or the desire to bring any mewling mouths to feed into this world at least not yet. Having children would only slow her down, she had things to do and places to be. Sitting around with her only purpose being to eat and feed pups was no life she wanted to lead. If any random male wanted to stick her with his seed he was going to get a face full of teeth. Nobody was gonna make a breeding object out of her.

Because of the hormonal shift she was especially on edge today, agitation while it came naturally to her was exaggerated even further. Since finding Noir again she hadn’t strayed too far from his location for fear that she might lose him again. So she had found herself at the edge of vaguely familiar waters. She remembered them as belonging to Abaven, the volcano must have forced them out of the area and they hadn’t moved back yet. She didn’t think much of the pack, but they at least weren’t stupid enough so sit next to a volcano and die.


[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art