
Somebody Like You




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-03-2020, 04:32 PM

It had been a few days since the end of the raid now, and Eu had been busy making sure that everyone was patched up and healing well. It hadn't been an easy task, but at least it was something to not only make her feel useful, but kept her busy as well. Her own pain went untreated, but they were wounds that no one else could see. She still carried it across her back, the weight of seeing Desolate like that, Void, as well as her niece. They would all have mental scars that would outlive the physical ones, of that she was certain. Just what they needed as well, in light of her and Spirit finally finding their way home. Her family had been through more than enough, but in the usual fashion of life as she knew it, there was now more. A heavy sigh left her parted lips, head hanging low for a moment as she gathered up her herb bundle to finish her rounds. Theory was next, and while she hadn't been too injured, she could see the pain that her niece was going through. There weren't many herbs for that, but perhaps a check in and a chat would do them both some good. Eulogy had little chance thus far to seek out Theo, having been busy with her children, and then healing. There was so much that she wanted to talk to her about, as well as offering her own shoulder to the girl. A little gab fest might take some of the weight off of her.

Chocolate paws easily found a path through Serpent Plains, the familiar hiss of resting snakes an odd chorus of home. They would be going into hibernation soon enough, but even now they were sprawled out on the many rocks that dotted the plains, determined to soak up the last of the warmth. Soon enough they would be seeking warmer climates, and part of her would miss their odd little songs. It would seem strange to anyone on the outside, but it was like the song of her youth, of so many generations of her family. Her mother would tell her stories of her and her siblings, of how her brother had created this pack so many moons ago. A hint of a smile touched her features, warmth entering her deep blue eyes. Eu's family was everything to her, it's why all of this hurt so much. Taking a shuddering breath, she pressed onward, heading towards where she knew Theory's den to be. It didn't take her too long, the scent of the herbs under her nose blocking out all other smells around her. She couldn't tell if the girl was actually here, but it was the best place to start. Dropping her packaged bundle, she stuck her head in, ears pulling back slightly. Her jaws parted to call out to Theo, drawing an inward breath at the same time. What struck her left her silent though, the taste of not just her niece, but her son as well, washing over her with a strength that nearly knocked her off her paws. Eulogy staggered backwards, her left paw raising to tuck towards her chest as she looked at the den in shock. Desolate. His scent was just as strong as Theory's, letting her know that he most likely slept here every night. Despite herself, tears pricked her eyes, a mocking laugh leaving her own lips. How pathetic she was. Was she really that surprised? She had left her children in their time of need, and even though she knew that it wasn't her fault, she knew that she could have done better. She could have tried harder, pushing past the pain of her burning lungs and searching until she found her babies. But no, she had led Spirit somewhere so far away from their home, that it took seasons to return home. They needed love, needed protection, and Theory had offered that where she had failed. She couldn't blame Desolate for replacing her, her niece was a good substitute, anyways. Better than her, so many things more than her. That's why he had sought their Wisteria's pride over her own, she mattered more to him than Eulogy ever would. The realization sank so heavily in her belly that she felt ill. A faltering, sad smile touched her for a moment, turning to gather up her herbs with a muffled sob. Of course he loved her more, she was far more than Eulogy could ever be. Instead of grabbing the herbs though, she just slowly sank until she was laying on the ground in front of the shared den, nose pressed into the herbs as if to erase the scent from her mind.

He was lost to her, wasn't he? Desolate could never forgive her for what she did, and again, she didn't fault the boy. That didn't stop her heart from breaking, squeezing her eyes shut tight. She needed to go see someone, anyone, just to find comfort, to indulge her own selfish actions once again. Perhaps Gloom would know of her brother's affection for Theory. Or perhaps she should go and check up on Spirit, to make sure that he was dealing with them being home okay. Anything, something... But no, like the usual waste of space she was, Eulogy lay there, frozen under the pressure of her emotions.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]