
Eyes wide open when you're dreaming




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-03-2020, 05:08 PM

The sun had hardly begun to rise when Eulogy's eyes flew open wide, her body shaking from the nightmare that had plagued her. Her body lay stiff and still, fearful pants leaving parted jaws as her gaze tried to find something to focus on. She tried to steady her breaths, watching as the darkness of the horizon started to break up with the first touches of dawn. Her mind was too rattled to even remember what had been in her dream, just knowing the pain and fear that it made her feel. It was enough to leave her in that position until the sun started to peek across the plains, washing everything in a tender light. Only then was she able to bring herself up onto her paws, dragging her still weary body out of the darkness and into the first rays of sunshine. Eu stood there for a moment, breathing in the cold morning air, feeling the dew drops soaking her chocolate coloured legs. It was grounding, reminding her of where she was; home. She was safe here, besides her emotional turmoil that still followed her each and every day. The reminder of her broken heart was here, just as much as her home was. It was a battle of feelings, often struggling just what to feel as each new day started, trying to find something positive to go to sleep on. Clearly whatever that had been last night wasn't enough to chase away the nightmares. Being alone was harder on her, not only the regrets of her far past plaguing her, but the closer interactions as well. Her family being swallowed by the fires, her never finding Spirit, or even home. They still refused to leave her, hanging heavily over her head. It was a constant reminder in the back of her mind, how she had abandoned her pack, family, her children... Eulogy had always struggling with strength and self worth, and the recent events didn't help at all. Every breath felt like she was only drawing more and more water into her lungs, she was sure that she would soon drown.

A sigh left her maw, fogging before her deep blue eyes as she turned towards the river that wound through the plains. It had been a few days since she had checked in with Spirit, someone who's mind worked in much the same way as her own. Had he been struggling to settle in as much as she had? While it wasn't a sense of being welcomed or not, Eu knew that it was still difficult. He might still be asleep, it was barely morning, but her paws moved towards his den anyways. It was odd, to not have all her babies in her den with her, but she gave them all their space. It made it even harder to sleep though, so used to the warmth of him at her side. Daintily she picked her way across the grassy plain, her soaking legs enough to shake the trembles from her dream.

Silently, Eulogy poked her nose into the den that claimed the scent of Spirit, blinking to try to adjust herself to the darkness. "Spirit?" She called softly, sitting just outside the mouth of the den. Gentle eyes tried to seek him out, longing for the comfort of her son. "I came to check in on you, how are you holding up?" It would seem a simple question, but the female knew the weight that it bore. Soon after they had come home, their home was raided by Winterfell. Two of his brothers had fought in it, both coming out with their own sets of injuries. It had put a bit of a rut into them settling in, at least to herself it had. Things felt shaky in the air around them, and it wasn't just the promise of winter that bit into her skin. She meant to go check with Theory as well, wanting to make sure that everyone was faring well. The duties of a healer had taken up her time, constantly checking to ensure that the worse of the injuries were healing right. It was enough to keep her away from the children that she so willingly would lock in her den with her to waste the weeks away. That made it harder to shake the guilt that she was struggling with during this whole time, even towards Spirit, who had returned with her. The boy was similar to her in so many ways, that she had a good feeling that he, too, was struggling under the weight of the world. Hopefully a little talk would help him, if not finding some comfort in her presence. Eu knew that she needed it, after her restless night. Just the simple act of being with someone you love was enough to chase away some of the aches.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]