
Be quick, be nimble



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-03-2020, 06:42 PM

Tamsyn listened gratefully as Zee described the best tactics when fighting a larger wolf like Sirius. She nodded in understanding, thinking about how the much larger wolf had been able to easily catch her off guard with his attacks any time she got close. She had always felt like she was pretty fast, but she was definitely going to have to work on her reflexes and her patience. She had been too eager to prove that she could retaliate the last time she sparred and that must have been part of the problem. She was already trying to think of some different ways to approach the fight for the next time she got an opportunity to spar with someone. A lot of her training thus far was around how she could handle a fight with a larger wolf, but that was probably her biggest challenge so it made sense that she put most of her focus on that.

When Zee asked about having any protective accessories, Tamsyn looked at her curiously and shook her head. She listed as she explained how she used her thorn covered wrapping and Tamsyn was already completely enthralled and interested by the time she finished. "No, I don't! I've never thought about doing something like that. That'll have to be my next project," she replied with a giggle. Any advantage she could have in a fight felt like a good thing to have, especially for someone like her that already had a disadvantage in size and experience. Maybe she could ask Resin about helping her get some hides or something to craft into an accessory once she was feeling better. She wasn't sure where to start with making something like that, but it sounded like a chance to get creative so she was looking forward to it.

"Thanks for giving me some tips to think about," she added with a grateful smile. "I think I was just thinking about the same stuff over and over so I got stuck. I'll definitely have to look into making an accessory of some kind to use!"