
Quiet Reflection



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-04-2020, 03:12 AM
Io didn't mind the tight squeeze. If that was what he needed, she could stand to be squished a little. It was obvious that there was a lot on his mind and he soon let loose as to just what that weight was. He was feeling Zee's absence keenly and she felt for him. She hadn't seen her sister in law in quite some time either. Io just assumed that the woman was busy. Aside from that though, she hadn't exactly been looking for her. Iolaire's life was far too hectic and fast paced to keep tabs on everyone.

"Do you have any idea why she's been so distant?"
Perhaps in the back of his mind he had some thought as to why she was making herself scarce. She offered up her own idea. "She's a mother now. Children take precedence and they're very time consuming. Maybe that's it?" Hopefully it was something along those lines. However, the pups were pretty self sufficient. They were all over the place. Zee couldn't be with them all the time. Was she having an affair? The thought popped into her mind before she brushed it quickly away. No, that wasn't Zee. She hoped, at least.

Sirius thought that it was his fault somehow and seeing the pain in his face made the small woman's heart clench. Suddenly she was furious at her brother's chosen mate. How dare she make him feel so inadequate? It wasn't hard to simply be there. If she was neglecting him, perhaps she was neglecting her children as well. Again she squeezed Sirius, nuzzling under his chin. "No... you're a good partner and a good father. Whatever this is, it's on her."

His train of thought turned to his children. Azure was mean and Mort was silly. She'd heard just how vindictive Azure was from her mother. The boy had tried more than once to kill her. Mort was a sweet thing that just needed some confidence. "They're still children. As they grow and learn, they will change. Who knows? Maybe they'll balance one another out in time." And then he was talking about Deathbelle. The venom in his tones when he spoke of her relationship with Hannibal made Iolaire draw back. He really felt this strongly about the whole thing?

"Where I come from, mating between blood is common practice. Had I been raised in my father's palace, it would have been expected of me as well."
Having known such practices from an early age, Iolaire didn't find them foreign or repulsive at all. From what she'd heard from Belle, her family held to the same practices, although loosely. "Belle is the happiest that I've seen her since I met her. Hannibal really is what she was missing in her life." She gave him a little nudge. "I know it's hard to understand for someone that wasn't raised in it, but try to be happy that she's happy?"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.