
Shoot Me Down




3 Years
05-04-2020, 03:33 AM
Elizabeth had the urge to keep him here, but for what reason? It didn't matter, it was probably her starved attention for her family. She remembered missing her mom very much now and the flashes of her memory when she died were sometimes too much. She wouldn't say they destroyed her but it was enough to have her sigh softly while trying to cover it up in case Casso noticed. When he said that she had handled it well she felt a bit of pride explode in her chest. She stood up straight and smiled at the young male. "I want to be the best healer there is and if that means treating what goes on in the head then I'll try my best to treat what I can't see." she stated. Now she was even more motivated to dabble in such things should others need it. Casso had been enough to trigger that for sure.

The way he spoke about his mother and father almost felt like a form of mourning. She felt the same sometimes, but she didn't know maybe it was just a part of a conversation. "My uhh... father was not the kindest man at times. While he was never physically abusive we lived in a harsh and unforgiving land before I came to Boreas. It was a vast desert with little food and little water." her tail flicked a little. "My mother would sometimes have fits. Almost like she was another person. Violent and scary but we handled it." Elizabeth sighed closing her eyes. "Anyway. I suppose I best be on my way. I don't want to be away from the pack lands too long as a new member it might look suspicious." she grinned and stood up. Ready for Casso to say his goodbyes before she headed back.