
Quiet Reflection



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-04-2020, 04:44 AM

Sirius began calling for Zee and Io snorted laughter. "She's not here. She's hiding. We hafta find her." It would be like a spy mission. Together they would comb the land, looking for Zee. Okay, so her imagination was going a bit overboard, but it would be fun. As she made her way down the hill, Sirius caught up to her, bumping into her shoulder. Their mutual swaying helped and didn't help. When he came against her side and she back towards his, the force of his giant body knocked her from her paws. Iolaire ended up on her back, staring down the hill upside down. She crowed in laughter, wrapping her arms around her body and rolling back and forth in a fit of giggles. She hadn't felt any pain in the slightest and the world was still spinning. It was terribly amusing.

Right before he had knocked her over, he had confessed that she was fun and said that they should do this more often. "Of course I'm fun! And you're uptight! Loosen up, will ya?" Yes, being a ruler was serious business, but all work and no play made so and so... something something. Eventually she found her way to her paws and together, much more carefully, the pair made their way to the bottom and into the cottage. She showed him where she stored the gourds of mead and then time began to skip. Who knew just how many gourds they polished off? Well... she would know in the morning when she came back and had to clean it all up. By the end, she was calling for Zee just as loudly as Sirius was. Then they set off to find the woman in question.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.