
tiny paw prints




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-04-2020, 07:11 AM
Siren couldn’t help but smile at the boy, despite the heavy topic the young pup spoke about. He surrounded her, his huge form, but she wasn’t scared of him. He was soft and he was gentle and he projected nothing but the utmost care for her. She felt safe for the first time in her young life. With his paws resting on either side of her and his gentle blue eyes peering into her dual tones she knew that no one would dare to hurt her. Her little pink lips were drawn up in an innocent smile.

Mortis had a confidence that she couldn’t dream of possessing, he scoffed at her brother’s prowess and the thought made her cringe lightly. She didn’t doubt Mortis, but she knew her brothers and they didn’t stop for anything. They were bold and didn’t hold back. She knew their prowess, she hadn’t the experience with Mort yet. Mortis was right about one thing, the two boys were demons.

Mortis was sure that the two of them would be friends, and Siren felt similarly despite the doubt that swelled in her tiny belly. His words gave her hope that she might look forward to a day when bruises didn’t litter her delicate pink skin. What she didn’t believe was that he could teach her like his father taught his mother. Siren knew that she was a tiny creature and from her life experiences so far she knew she couldn’t hold her brothers at bay. The way Mortis promised her though…

”Friends.” She said warmly, feeling joy deep in her chest. However, her doubt was just as strong. ”I’m too little,” She countered. Siren wanted what Mort said to be true, she didn’t want to accept Chimera’s abuses. How could she defend herself from such a big pup?