
Find your own way



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-04-2020, 01:07 PM

He winced a little when the healer that he now knew was named Banshee went on to press a poultice into his wound, but he held still all the same. He was always still and patient when he was receiving help from a healer. He knew how difficult it was to build up those skills so he never wanted to make their job harder than it already was. He appreciated that she gave him a bit of explanation as she went so he at least knew what was going on. It was a bit different from the other injures he had gotten since he couldn't actually see this one without looking into a reflection of some sort.

He was quiet for a moment as he pondered their offer. Joining a pack hadn't been something he had seriously considered since his father's pack was taken from them. Ever since then he had been so focused on taking care of his mother and family that he really hadn't put much thought into what he would want for himself. At the very least he knew that she was right that with a wound like this it would be better to have a healer to keep an eye on it so even just staying here for a short time would be a wise choice. But... maybe he wanted to stay for a longer time than that. Maybe now was his chance to just be himself for a moment and enjoy the structure of a pack that he's missed for so long.

""I would at least like to talk to your alpha if you don't mind introducing me," he replied with a freshly renewed resolve. This would be his turning point and he felt like he couldn't deny the opportunity fate had led him to. He wouldn't make a final decision until he talked to the alpha of their pack and learned more about what this pack fully entailed, but he was at least hopeful and optimistic about this path he was turning towards.

"Speech" Thought