
Be quick, be nimble



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-04-2020, 06:23 PM

Tamsyn could tell that Zee wasn't sure that her advice was as helpful as Tamsyn seemed to think it was and she felt that she was being far too hard on herself. At this point in her journey to become a fighter, Tamsyn was just grateful for anyone that was willing to lend her their knowledge and experience. Even if she had come to Zee and she hadn't been able to tell her anything new, she would have just been happy that Zee had been willing to take the time to talk to her. When Zee sighed after apologizing for not being able to help more, Tamsyn was quick to give a little shake of her head. "That's okay! I appreciate any advice you have!"

She grinned as Zee went on to make some suggestions of some other ways she could help and suggesting that maybe Tamsyn could learn while teaching while giving some lessons to her sons. "Well, I don't know about teaching anyone any time soon... I still have a lot to learn myself. If anything I'd probably be a better fit for taking part in whatever class is being taught to them!" She chuckled softly and added, "But I'll definitely need help with crafting some accessories and any time you want someone to go on a run with you can count me in." Doing patrols and wandering through the pack's territory had become a bit of a pass time for her lately just to keep her on her paws and doing something so going for a run fit right into that and gave her an excuse to strengthen her muscles.

She realized that the last time she had really sat down to talk to Zee one on one had been the night that she had decided to join the Armada and the difference she felt in herself between then and now was like night and day. It was all thanks to Zee for finding her and bringing her here. She gave a lot of credit to Resin for making her feel even more at home here, but the fact that Zee had made her feel comfortable enough to stay was the first big change in her life. "Who would have guessed that you and Sirius would make a fighter out of me after all?" she commented with a grin, her tail wagging gently behind her.