
Today Was A Fairytale



08-26-2013, 03:59 PM

Her vision was blurry as she stared down at her paws. She felt Cael's shoulder press into her with his tail moving soothingly down her back in comfort. She took a deep shakey breath, ears perking at his words. She lifted her head to stare at him, eyes searching his. Could she truely trust both males? Could she risk opeing herself up again? Caerul spoke next and followed it with a lick to her forehead. Her eyes closed and she leaned into the caress, a soft low whine pulling forth from her. It was not a whine of pain or sorrow, but loving and trusting. She would trust them, what else did she have to lose?

"I trust you both, i truly do. But im not to sure about the pack yet..that..that will take time. I wish i had a family like you two. The only one i ever trusted and would risk my life for was my adoptive sister Nalani. I know she would do the same for me.." She replied. She thought back to the old colored sister she had. That woman could be dangerous but ith good intentions. They had often nick named her the "Tornado". It had been fitting for the brown female. Imena missed her, more so than her blood relatives."Just dont ever cause her harm or trouble. She's a wolf thatis unmistakable. Brown with...darker brown mottled pattern. Her eyes are pink with a soft yellow ring one the outside....she is very dr to me.." She added and looked at Caerul. She didnt want either of them to hrm she "sister" should she ever appear.

She turned to Cael and licked his cheek before doing the same to his brother Caerul. Both made her feel so much stronger inside. She did not feel afraid around them, able to speak her mind. Some how she already trusted them with her life. She knew she could rely on both the males. But it would be hard to feel that way towards the pack.She knew there were many numbers in Valhalla she had yet to meet.