
Somebody Like You




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-04-2020, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 07:15 PM by Eulogy.)

It was hard to tell just how much time had passed before his voice called out to her, snapping her from the daze that she had been in. Eulogy shot up like a bat out of hell, her hackles raised in fear as her wide eyes found Desolate. He was looking away from her, glaring at something that she couldn't spot. The words that he had said took a moment to register, her ears pulling back against her head as her gaze fell wayside as well. He was angry with her, saying that she was everywhere that he had been lately. There was little rationality to his accusation, she herself had not seen him since the meeting, and the healers circle before that. Since coming home in fact, she had seen Des very few times. It wasn't as simple as that, though, and she knew the context of which he spoke of. She too had been plagued with thoughts of him, wondering if she could ever make it up to the boy, or if she had truly lost him forever. Eu had spent more energy on the brown hued boy than on her other children, as he was the most reluctant to take her back. Her heart stung, a bitterness twisting in as tears threatened to cloud her vision. Apparently there wasn't one conversation that she could have without crying, a further display of her weakness. It's why she couldn't blame him, really, she truly was even more of a shell of herself now. Before, she still struggled with her anxieties and fears, but now, everything seemed so much more elevated. Piece by piece it was tearing her apart, leaving her shattered on the ground before the two of them.

She wasn't sure how long she was silent for, maw opening and closing as she tried in vain to find the right words to say. Her deep blue eyes found the bundle of herbs that still lay on the ground, remembering why she had come here after all. Part of her didn't want to admit that she hadn't come here for him, afraid that the statement would push him further away from her. He seemed to want his distance, and as much as it killed her, she was trying to give him that. "I... I'm sorry," she started, doing her best to shove her anxieties away, "I came to check on Theory's wound," she whispered softly, daring to look up and towards the boy. No, no longer merely a child. He had protected his pack, and had earned his rank as a warrior. Eulogy wanted to speak of her sense of pride for him, however that didn't go well last time she spoke of it. Eu didn't really know what to say, so terrified that anything that left her lips would drive that spike further into her heart. Desolate was right on the cusp, ready to dismiss her and live the life that he had built for himself after she had disappeared. It was a balance of supporting him and fighting for him that she fought with, at a loss of which answer was right. Eu wanted to plead with him, beg him to tell her what to do, but lacked the courage as well as the words to do so. The lady offered a timid smile, only to have it falter and fade away in seconds.

Eulogy lapsed into silence again, head lowering slightly as she blew out a small sigh. Doing her best at putting on a brave face, she tried to look professional. She was here on the business as a healer, right? She had no idea that Desolate would be here, or that he had made his bed with her niece. "How are your wounds? Do any of them still ache?" The attempt to sound matter-of-fact put a strange weight on her words, making them sound as choppy and awkward as she felt now. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't shove her away if she was here as his healer, and not his mother. No matter how badly she wanted to push forward and hold him, she stood her ground, albeit a bit rocky as she struggled under the weight of it all. She had not been deaf to the pain in Desolate's voice, mirroring her own. Would she ever be someone that he could welcome back into his life, or were things destined to always be like this?
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]