
safe or not?



3 Years

Valentines 2020
05-04-2020, 08:03 PM

Noir was partially right, she hadn’t done much with her freedom besides hide and run. Excitement hadn’t been a part of her life for quite some time. The most recent thing that could be called excitement was the fights she had gotten into. Her brother finding her at her base was what had prompted her to actually leave. Staying there much longer wouldn’t have been safe for her; she had fended off her brother and showed him she was still stronger than him. Even so she didn’t trust him not to tell his pack about her whereabouts, she doubted that they would truly care but the risk was still there and she wasn’t willing to take it.

The question that Noir had asked surprised her a little, what did she want most in the world? It wasn’t a question she had really pondered much in her life. If she was still trapped in Winterfell with her family she would have said freedom, but she had that now. Theta had her freedom and it hadn’t been as great as she had imagined it to be. She had her freedom to choose alright, but she hadn’t done much with it. What she really wanted now was strength, she knew she was strong but she could be even stronger. Mentally and physically. She wanted the strength to defeat those who stood in her way, but also the strength to know when fighting wasn’t her best option. She wanted to be on top of everything, that was where she belonged and yet…there was a desire to be accepted.

From what she had seen those on top didn’t fit in well with those on the bottom. Having been alone for as long as she had she wanted friends. A group that she could fit in with that wasn’t weak. After thinking Theta had landed on an answer, she met Noir’s eyes and said “I want to be strong, but I want to be strong alongside others.” She felt that those words captured the essence of what she wanted to convey. “Life alone hasn’t been that exciting, at least for me. I beat my brother again so I guess there’s that.” Theta carefully sat down on the pathway she had taken up “He found me and tried to challenge me, asking to prove to him my strength. I still don’t know why he even tries to be honest. He doesn’t even know the first thing about true strength.”

Now that she was here Theta just wanted to talk. It felt good to talk to someone genuinely again. She didn’t want to run herself everywhere trying to fight people or being passive aggressive. For the moment she wanted to just be, she was tired.


[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art