
Favorite Dish of the River


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-05-2020, 01:35 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2020, 01:40 AM by Malalia.)

Mal snorted at the stranger's pouty reply, her ears going flat. "I bet you probably do. I was just making a joke," she explained. As she did, her eyes followed his movements, the sudden flash of fang, how he adjusted himself to attack. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her own ears flicking upright... but the she-wolf moved no further towards the stranger. Loud and clear, buddy. She wondered briefly if she was actually intimidating him, in some way, or if the boy was simply edgy all on his own. Probably the latter; the young woman was obviously approachable, if a little cheeky.

The "no" came as a surprise as well. Mal was used to getting what she wanted. and she could not figure out why this standoffish stranger would refuse treatment! Her jaws opened to shoot back an argument when the male sniffed at her, not for the first time. What are you looking for...? Her curiosity was sated soon enough, as the yearling dropped his suspicious air long enough to ask if she had come from the sea.

Her head tilted slightly, her eyes taking a beat to glance over the male again. The sudden change in his demeanor was... interesting, to say the least. The ocean seemed to bleed the fight right out of him... for now. "Not so fast. Maybe a name, before I tell you all my secrets?" She was going to draw some manners out of this yearling if it killed her.

Mala wouldn't leave him in the dark for long, however. "I do live by the sea. My pack, the Ashen Armada — part of our territory includes a strip of land on the shoreline. I train there pretty often... but the beach is nice for downtime, too," she offered. "Why, what's your deal? Trying to get to the coast?"
