
no promises no demands [RAID]



6 Years
05-05-2020, 03:37 PM

Banshee waited for more of the Ashen Wolves to arrive. Only a few more faces were shown before she decided her target. Toxiticty followed venom but seemed to pause as her comrades delved into battle. There was no time to waste. Banshee settled her defenses to prepare for a fight. Lips curled up to expose the length of her elongated fangs, lids narrowed to protect her blue eyes from debris or teeth, and ears flicked back. Banshee distributed her weight between four paws, bents her elbows and knees to lower herself slightly, and flagged out her tail for balance while mobile. Her hackles had been raised already to protect her neck and she ensured her breathing was steady before entering the fray.

With little notice Banshee darted towards her opponent. Pads flexed to grip the earth with each dominating stride. The tall grass whipped against her form but Banshee was use to the feeling, this was her home after all. Banshee aimed to run at Tox head on. As distance closed she would shift her weight to her hind legs while lifting her front legs off the ground. Two front paws aimed to raise high before attempting to slam down upon Tox's upper back. The desired move was that of a bear hug. - Due to the swiftness of her charge she'd also aim for her lower chest to slam into her opponent's upper chest, even if the bear hug was not successful. - All the while, Banshee would snap her fangs to Tox's right in attempt to bite Toxicity's scruff with hopes of being the first to draw blood.

Banshee Klein vs Toxicity Abraxas-Klein for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Spitting cobra, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Red-talked Hawk, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Extended fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Healer
Specialty: N/A


[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]