
Aesir's Holmgang



4 Years
Extra large
05-06-2020, 10:26 AM
Aesir wasn't sure what he had expected, but it was... close to this. Members of the band trickled in slowly. Valk gave them all time to arrive before speaking her piece. Her words were a hot lance to his heart, but he would not argue that they weren't well deserved. She was right. Before the Gods and wolves which surrounded them, she was right. He kept his head held aloft, but struggled to keep the pain from his eyes. While doing his best to focus on her and her words, the band members who attended, he couldn't help the intrusive thoughts that demanded their room to speak as well.

Could he remember even a single face from his past that he hadn't let down in some way? His homeland despised him and his kin. His brothers had vanished and he had not been able to retrieve them, or even find word on their fate. This band was meant to be a new beginning, and now it seemed as if it all might crumble beneath him. As if he had even spent the time to build up its foundation in the first place...

Coward. Ass worms. The essence of nothing. No, he would not argue against any of it. Perhaps he should, perhaps it was a sign of weakness that he would not defend himself and swear to them that he could be, would become more. It would feel like a lie, which would feel like yet another sin to lay atop the pile. He knew only that he would try, if they let him. Even though it felt like one man trying to hold back the deluge of a waterfall, giving in would be the same as giving up his last breath.

He lifted his head even higher in the face of their barrage. Even if he could not disagree, it didn't mean their words could wound him any more than the knowledge he already carried inside. Every wolf here would have gotten along swimmingly with his kin back home, that much was certain. "I'm not going to cower and snivel before you, beg that I be forgiven, because I don't expect you to assume I'm a changed man from my words alone. I hold my head up because I recognize my dishonor, and would rather face it than flee. How do you expect me to do that if I'm looking at my paws?" His eyes swiveled to the gray female, then back to Valkyrie.

"My words can't convince you, and if they did I'd call you a fool. I'm not asking for mercy or for grace and if you despise me I'd say that is well earned, but I wouldn't have shown up here today if I didn't intend to do whatever I can to make up for my betrayal and regain my honor. If it's an impossible task, so be it. I would rather be killed trying than die a shamed coward." And that was that. He had no more to say. He could hunt for wolves who loathed him, fight for and defend them, tend to them as he was required. They didn't have to like him. If they would have him, he would stay, and he would try. If not, well... As with every other hardship the Gods had laid down before him, he would take that one day at a time.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks