
Favorite Dish of the River


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-06-2020, 01:29 PM

So he was packless, but the boy didn't seem to be at all bothered by that fact. Neither was she, though it was definitely uncommon. It made sense, then, that the yearling was so standoffish. Her ears flicked lightly at his next inquiry, an eyebrow raising. First he'd been suspicious, then almost becalmed by her scent... and now a bit of snark, huh? He was starting to remind her of another snarky boy, but there was no need to get riled up. Not yet. "Why do you assume I'm barely there?" she asked point blank.

His last statement wrenched a laugh out of her. "No, I don't need help, but there's more to pack life than bare-bones survival. People wouldn't join if packs had nothing to offer them, obviously." He really must not know anything, she was beginning to realize. "On a very basic level, surviving with a pack is easier. You have other people to help defend your home, group hunting, stable hunting grounds, healers to help you if you get sick... and people will take care of you when you get old. There are teachers, too, more experienced wolves who will train you to hunt and fight and heal, whichever you want."

She huffed slightly. "Not to mention, being a loner is fucking lonely, no offense. Maybe you're okay roaming the earth like some forgotten ghost, but I want people around. Friends. A family. You do sorta need other people for that." Mal shrugged. "And you get all of that when you're in a pack, and more. I'm not saying there aren't drawbacks, and it's not for everyone, but those are some of the reasons people join them."
