


08-26-2013, 06:32 PM
OOC Name: lau
How did you get here?: ciroc/alacritis merge
Age: old as dirt

Character's Name: Adalia Licorne
Age: 3 years
Season of birth: Spring
Size: 29" high, 48" long
Appearance description: Of average stature is the young woman, she does not necessarily grab the eye by her structure alone, which while average is also slight and somewhat feminine. Smooth pelt is often what catches the attention, being off white in hue instead of a pure alabaster. Combined with the black stockings, tail, and eye rings, the woman is a sight to behold. Shining from amidst the blackened fur about her eyes are bright pinkish-red eyes. When she moves, she moves with a careful and calculated grace, almost as if she is intentionally watching her step. Upon close inspection, fear lurks within her eyes, as well as sadness due to a life she can not seem to escape.

Intended to remain pure and untouched, intended to be fit for a paired mating, there are no flaws or scars to the woman. It seems that everything flows smoothly, that she is constructed perfectly and flawlessly - intentionally. A product of regimented breeding, she is surely from a perfected bloodline where only the finest children have been produced. A pure, unadulterated beauty is Adalia, taking much after her mother and little after her father whom she hardly even knows.

With a slender frame and proportionate paws, the woman is built for speed and also for long distance. The slenderness also comes in handy, equipping her with the ability to be able to wiggle in and out of small spaces and to also make it easier to dodge danger, should she need to. The girl is a product of careful crafting and genetics, and it certainly shows.
Duty: Runner