
You said that’s not funny, but it wasn’t a joke



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-06-2020, 07:01 PM

There was no real reaction to his name other than a polite return in greeting so Ulric had to assume that either she was too young to have been a part of that conflict with his father or was maybe in a branch of the Abraxas family that hadn't been involved. He may never really know and if he was being honest he didn't really care. Maybe if he had used his Lore name he might have gotten a different response - or maybe not. Maybe that memory was only this important in the minds of the side that had lost everything. He brushed the thought off and refocused his attention on the springs in front of him just to have somewhere for his gaze to linger.

Her curiosity about their surroundings seemed to be dispelled since she suddenly turned her questioning toward him, making him the subject of her attention instead. When he lifted his eyes back to her he found her violet gaze lingering on him questioningly. "I am... for now," he replied with a small shrug of his shoulders. He had to admit that he missed the stability and structure that a pack provided so he did intend to find that again at some point, but he had to find a way to do it that would allow him to still care for his family. He wasn't sure if he could convince Philomena to move away from Auster yet so for now he was content with their current arrangement. "You live in one of the packs near here, don't you?" There was no real reason for him to phrase it in a question since the scent of a pack was clear on her fur, but it felt more conversational to say it in such a way instead of stating it as fact.

"Speech" Thought