
At the cusp




6 Years
Athena I

05-06-2020, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2020, 07:37 PM by Daelos.)

She let her eyes close contently for a moment as Ochre nuzzled the top of her head, his affections bringing a smile to her lips. It really didn't take a whole lot to make her happy, but she did wish that she could be as at ease as Ochre could be. He was far more clear cut and straight forward than she was and it was something she envied about her mate. When she had gone to ask him about traveling to Boreas she had felt worried and guilty over pulling him away from the wolves he had lived with for so long, but it had felt like an easy decision for him to make her happy. She was so grateful that their paths had crossed and she had him as the steady rock in her life.

"A little," she admitted honestly. She could have told him that she wasn't, but he would have certainly seen right through that facade. There was no hiding her feelings from him any more. She hadn't been the best at hiding her feelings to begin with, but he made it basically impossible. "I just hope this is the right pack and that Baine and the boys made it here okay. It was a long trip even for the four of us that are in perfectly fine health. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for Baine. Of course I know Nolan wouldn't let her push herself too hard, but... I still worry about her." Now that her mother had passed away and she had long since lost track of any of her other siblings, Baine, Nolan, and Casso were the only members of her family that she had left. Of course she knew more of her extended family supposedly resided in this pack and she was sure some remnants of the Praetor line still lingered somewhere in these lands, but they were the ones she was closest to and had experienced the same things that she had.

"Everything will be fine," she added after a beat of silence, looking up at him with a smile once again. She wasn't sure if she was actually speaking to him or to herself, but either way it seemed like something that needed to be said.

"Talk" "You" Think