
no promises no demands [RAID]

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

05-06-2020, 09:33 PM

It seemed things were looking up for the Armada. Venom, Harbringr, and one or two others retreated into the woods. Killian couldn't help but to feel proud even though it was all for practice. They were all giving it their all it seemed so the victory was real non the less. Either side wanted to win in 'friendly' competition. Though, he was growing rather impatient while waiting for an opponent. He was glad when a group of Ashen Wolves finally made their entrance and it was time for some action. A few made their claim on opponents before he could do anything but one of the Empress' spawn chose him rather quickly.

Calamity charged at him with antlers being her lead. Killian did not want to know what a brunt impact with antlers felt like, thus he aimed to act fast. As Cala charged at him Killian jolted to his right before lurching forward. He aimed to meet the left side of her chest with the left side of his chest to ensure she was impacted by the slam as much as he was. As the distance was closed the larger male would redistribute his weight to mostly his hind legs and attempt to lift his right paw up enough to press it back down on Cala's upper back. In the same breath he'd attempt to grip her scruff with his teeth. Killian's goal was to have enough leverage to get the girl down to the ground with as little effort as possible.

Killian Klein vs Calamity Klein Abaraxas for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A