
And the lord said have mercy upon his soul



05-07-2020, 06:51 AM

I'll tell you my sins,

He remained, a rock unwilling to waiver in his ways nor his hold on this woman whom had promised him a progeny to carry on his line. He needed her more than she could fathom, but he knew not to let any know the hold they may have on him nor the true weakness he carried in the form of a mortal female made of the tenderest of hearts. He held fast to Noe like she was his lifeline, but not so much physically as he did mentally. Physically he did his best to not let another know that to harm him you would have to harm his woman.

This was his weakness.

He remained holding Noe in privacy. He of course would not shirk her publicly though. No if any she was the priest's Aphrodite. It was never easy to find those interested in Diaboli like she was and willing to adopt customs that were not their own for something they both enjoyed. He fell into silence as he listened to her every word and contemplated them. Like a priest at a confession he was silent until she had finished. He gave a few beats before he proceeded to speak once more, to ensure she was finished speaking. "I do not ask you to worship Lord Diaboli the way i do, If you believe in him it can be enough. Find ways to appease him in your daily routines, worship him in your own way, just remember that Lady Aeon the trickster can take hold of your life. I would hate to see you fall and forced to live this life again and again with no escape in sight. I want to see you run in the hunting grounds among Lord Diaboli's greatest priests with me." He did his best to reassure her in the only way the zealot knew how.

"If that means i must sacrifice one of our future progeny to prevent them living a life of pain or turmoil then so be it, even if you never have the heart to do it yourself or you hate me for it forever, if it save you the pain of doing it yourself and them the pain of a life they were not yet ready to live then I gladly will do it. Every time." He gave a stiff nod. There was no other way to say it. this was what he knew and how he knew to do it best. hopefully it would calm her nerves and fears. She was after all in the hands of one of the high priests of Diaboli. He was a man proud to be the way he was and ready to fulfill his duty to his god.

so you can sharpen your knife

Actions"Sermons of the faithful"