
the potential of you and me



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-07-2020, 09:52 AM
Twig's tone, both playful and mischievous, definitely intrigued him. His smile seemed to grow as if it had no limit, as she set him up for some sort of surprise. He was quick to play along, truly enjoying this time spent with her as the two of them raced through the sand as they had done just a few months prior. He hadn't gotten quite used to sand-racing, deciding that he much preferred to race on the grass... though soon their paws carried them away from the beach and toward land that was easier to traverse.

He had a heavy lead on her at the beginning of their race, but quickly she caught up, even given how many more steps she needed to take to reach him. Somehow though she just barely fell behind, hardly more than a few steps, and he chuckled as she yelled in protest as she reached him. His own chest was heaving, his heart hammering in his head, though he was partly stunned that he had beat her. "Apparently all this training... is paying off," he admitted, though he had to stop and catch his breath halfway through his sentence, winded from the run.

Somehow seeing the food that Twig had gathered and laid out for them didn't help the way his heart was beating hard in his chest. All this.. for him? It felt excessive, but not in a bad way. Just in a way that rendered him speechless. "This is.. amazing," he fumbled for the right word. Somehow, amazing didn't seem to describe it even half as well as he wished it did, but it was better than saying nothing at all. Suddenly he wasn't even sure he could recall his own favorite meal even if he wanted to try... though it didn't matter. This surpassed anything he could've imagined. "Thanks, Twig. You're amazing.." What else could he say? That he felt he didn't deserve this? He did feel like that, but he also liked it, and he didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Instead of ruining things by saying too much... or maybe saying too little was just as bad? He didn't know... he moved to settle down beside the food, beginning to feast on one of the rabbits happily, glancing up at Twig between bites.