
Stop Being Dramatic

Octave-Whoever else



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - GayBeevent
05-07-2020, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2020, 04:09 PM by Octave.)
((Permission to pick up/drag Kite given by Resin))

Octave was not prepared for the words that came out of Kite's mouth and Octave was frozen stock still for a moment, shock and embarrassment rolling over him, but under that, was a soft fluttering in his chest. What was it about the small puff tailed man that made him feel so... wibbly? He didn't exactly have time to consider that question when Kite leaned away and heaved. Octave wrinkled his nose up against the fresh smell of bile, then slowly lowered his head to sniff at the puddle, hoping he might be able to identify if there was something the man had eaten that had caused this. He couldn't make out any one thing although whatever it was it was pungent even under the overpowering smell of acid.

Kite threw himself on Octave and the man blinked down at him for a moment. Octave honestly could not tell if Kite was delirious or teasing but he also knew they couldn't stay out here. Kite was still alarmingly skinny and Octave would be able to help him better if he had all his supplies on hand so he slowly lowered his head to grab at the scruff of the smaller man. Then he'd carefully and almost painfully slowly move the man further into the parklands, towards his den. About halfway there he spotted Noko bounding back towards him, her front paws grasping the plants he'd asked for. She took one look at what was happening and began waddling back with him, her movement awkward on her hind paws even if more balanced than he could have managed. It felt like an age before they got back to the den and Octave immediately headed inside and tried to settled Kite on the pile of furs he'd built into his preferred sleeping spot. Noko dropped the herbs then headed back out of the den, followed very shortly by Octave who let lose a quick call for Theory before heading back in and settling himself so that he was encompassing Kite as much as he could. It wouldn't do him any good to freeze to death before Octave could treat him.

"Octave" "Noko" & Hidden thoughts

Image by Risketch
[Image: dPPg3BE.png]
Octave mostly speaks through his Red bellied Lemur companion Noko, assume she's with him unless explicitly stated otherwise
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3