
Riva x Pyrrhic Babies!

No Australian Marsupials Allowed!



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-07-2020, 11:16 PM
Name: Tiamat (Name currently taken, considering other name or registering as Tia)
Gender: Female
[Image: ATXXZds.png]
Design 2: 3
Twin: Y
Physical Description: Tiamat is a powerhouse, the Abraxas lineage is clear in her figure. She stands a towering 45" tall. And all 45 inches of her frame are well muscled, Tiamat is clearly built for pure strength, there is no fragility in her form, it may make her look less traditionally feminine but Tiamat revels in it. She is a warrior queen through and through.

The short course pelt that covers her form is a gorgeous mixture of her parent's colors. The majority of her body is covered in an ashen black color with her underbelly, along the front of her forepaws and underside of her tail as a soft golden color that fades into black at her ankles. The black on her body is covered than in a gorgeous interplay of yellows and browns and even creams dappled all along her body, helping to pull out her father in her coat.

Going back to her mother she mirrors the woman in a pair of bright blue eyes.

Alignment: Lawful evil

Skills: Fighting and Navigation/Intellect (Undecided)

Personality: Tiamat is a little headstrong, a little cocky and more than a little handful. Though she is smart enough to know when not to stick her noses into things she has the confidence to back up whatever mischief she may get into. That said she knows where the lines are and though the may push and test limits as she grows she'll quickly back off when she learns where the hard lines are. Still if she gets a notion in her head little can sway her and she'll become a girl on a mission.

The girl will grow up in love with the family myths, with the notion of having been born an Abraxas and she'll quickly develop a pride in her family and a drive to work for her family, to earn a place of honor in her family. While she is not totally selfless, after all she's nothing if not a bit proud, they are among her top priorities and while she'll likely have her loyalty and her beliefs tested she knows her family is her touchstone, and that can only strengthen her resolve.

Tiamat is a force to be reckoned with, not only will she find a thrill in learning to fight she's also a highly social wolf and driven by a desire to explore and learn, and to seek out that next adrenaline high, a thrill-seeker in a way, or perhaps just interested in experiencing new things and faces.

General plans:
- Tiamat will want a high rank as much as possible in Aerie, so skills skills skills!
- Learn about her family's history and beliefs and commit herself to the fallen god's goals.
- The usual suspects, eventually have a family etc. etc.
- Obvious subject to change based on IC events.
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.