
Adravendi Babies!



2 Years
05-07-2020, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2020, 09:17 PM by Meriadoc.)
Yes indeedy. Adravendi babies! These guys belong to Geoffrey Meriadoc Adravendi, son of Gwenevere Adravendi, and Delilah Rivers, daughter of Warja Kaname. They are 3 seasons old currently and a wildly independent, rambunctious bunch. Until now they've been raised in a free-spirited, Robin Hood type band. Think loud, rambunctious brawlers with a strong sense of camaraderie and a fierce need to right wrongs. Their family is a family of good guys but they don't immediately come across like it. They're rough and uncouth by most standards.

But enough about the band! The babies are a product of a one night stand where the parents both realized they were not at ALL a good match for each before finding out they were having an oops litter. They decided to try to set aside their differences and raise their kids amicably together. Somehow they made it work even though Delilah's family was extremely fond of heckling Meriadoc. Delilah refused to leave the band and Meri, wanting to be the father he never had, could see no alternative to staying in the band. Eventually he was accepted, life got easier, and he had a chance to parent who he considers to be the best damn kids one could hope for.

So life got good. Meriadoc settled, his bizarre semi dysfunctional family not only worked but worked well. And then the fire nation attacked.

Okay not really. But bad things did happen. The pirates who attacked Meriadoc (see his history) were longstanding rivals and another conflict finally brewed up between them. Delilah didn't survive the fighting. Even though he and Delilah didn't make a good couple they were a good team and Meri was devastated. Not only was life hard in the band without his coparent, it was lonely. He started to miss home again. Eventually against Delilah's family's wishes, Meri packed up his kids and headed back to Boreas.

So what about these lovely little hellions? They need homes. Currently there's two in play, the sisters Maeva and Amaranth I'll be taking a third girl, so any additional pups will have a plethora of sisters! As pups they will be sticking with Meri for the time being as rogues and eventually I'd like them (Meri would love this too) to join Artur's band, but I realize development might lead them elsewhere. Meri is 36" and Delilah was 28" but there's a history of dires on Delilah's side so potential for big babies. Color-wise Meri is modeled after a tri color collie. Delilah was modeled off a collie too; she closely resembled a merle. So herding colors/patterns are preferred if you want to bring your own design, but anything Andravendi-ish works too!

Personality-wise I'd prefer lighter alignments. Somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral is reasonable considering the temperament of the parents. Meri is a sensitive soul so it's possible his kids are too, but pushovers and shy babies would have been heckled to death in the band so I'd like to avoid overly sensitive/nervous/shy guys. Family-oriented, brash swashbucklers were most likely to shine in the band, honestly.

The story for why these guys aren't actively popping up in their family's threads is that they're off exploring the West of Boreas because that's what little adventurous monsters do.

ANYWAY, here's the application code if you're interested:

<b>Design:</b> (either from the list below or one of your own creation)
<b>Design 2:</b>
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>

Design #1 with the option of changing the eye color to blue or green

Activity is important! I reserve the right to take back characters if you fall inactive with them. This means characters who have been set inactive and characters that haven't been posted for 8+ weeks. Any purchases made for the character will go with the character when it's reclaimed. That just makes the transition to a new player easier.
[Image: jqslMGb.png]