
Riva x Pyrrhic Babies!

No Australian Marsupials Allowed!



3 Years

Valentines 2020
05-07-2020, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 08:01 PM by Saren.)
Name: Aminta (taken by an old account, will request for the name should i be accepted)
Gender: Female
Design: 3
Design 2: 4
Twin: Yes! i'd be alright with it
Physical Description: Aminta takes after her mother in height, coming up to only 27 inches. She may be smaller, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t equipped enough to kick your butt if she needs to. For as she grows into an adult she will have muscle that belies her skill in fighting. Her pelt however takes after her grandfather’s genes with slate blues and a blue-ish black. With bands of white on every leg marking the end of black feet and a tail starting with white at the end as it transitions to a blue. Eyes of red provide the window to her darker soul, they say don’t cross me or else you’ll feel true pain.
Alignment: Lawful evil
Skills: healing and fighting
Personality: Taking after both her mother and father Aminta will strive to be a protector. A healer and fighter giving her the ability to protect on both ends. To protect those she loves from pain as well as take care of them should they get into trouble without her. Fiercely loyal to the Abraxas she will take her role as a little godling seriously, she was put on this earth to guide others to a better way of living.

As a pup she will be dedicated to learning about her chosen crafts and encourage her siblings to do the same. For being educated means being productive. Despite being the same age as her siblings she will give off strong older sister vibes and as they get older insist on clearing any of her litter mates potential partners herself. She won’t have her siblings mating with people who aren’t good for them. When it comes to her own potential love she will be open to the idea of love fairly quickly as there is a need to perpetuate the Abraxas line. This doesn’t mean that she won’t be picky, no weakling men for her.

She cannot stand people without an aim in life, what are you doing if you have no ultimate goal? Aminta always wants to be going somewhere with a goal in mind. To get better at fighting or to be promoted, she will not tolerate her life stagnating in one spot. Should her life come to a standstill she will actively seek to change it, ideally not through ill gotten means.

Aminta isn’t against things that other wolves would consider less than moral. She won’t go out of her way to commit such deeds, but she won’t say much if anything should she see them occur. Snitches get stitches and she has no desire to be a snitch or stitch herself up.

General plans: become a contributing part of Aerie, put time into both skills as well as interacting with her family and pack mates.
[Image: dnxLkpo.png]