
She won't ever win




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
05-07-2020, 11:25 PM
Her curious, but hesitant gaze lifted back to Mercy's when she was told that it didn't seem believable that there hadn't been anyone that had found her beautiful. It was enough of a compliment to make a slight, involuntary smile tug at the corners of her lips, but the shift in Mercy's tone made her ears flick uncertainly. She couldn't deny that this kind of attention was thrilling in its own way, she was just at such a loss of how to respond. The comments about her looks and body made the hopelessly innocent girl blush, but before she could respond Mercy closed the short distance between them. She held still with her breath caught in her throat as Mercy's nose brushed her jaw. The touch made her freeze up, but in a different way than before. There was far less of that anxiety driven worry and much more of some other emotion that Elise couldn't quite explain.

Her confused gaze found Mercy's again when the pale woman leaned back and spoke again. "Take advantage...?" she questioned quietly, not realizing how breathless she was until she heard the airy waver in her own voice. The growl Mercy gave her made her ears pin back against her skull and she couldn't even hope to describe what she felt when Mercy suddenly began to made a loop around her, brushing every inch of her sides with her body. It sent her heart rate through the roof and she couldn't figure out if it was from excitement or fear, but even as Mercy pressed her face into her scruff, she began to believe it was leaning more toward excitement. It was all so thrilling and exciting and overwhelming and she... liked it?

She finally decided that she really did like it when she realized how disappointed she was when Mercy's side suddenly left hers. Her eyes blinked with surprise and the pout returned to her features, but from a much different place than it had before. This was less from embarrassment and more from disappointment as she shot Mercy a playful glare at the smug response she received now that Mercy had proven her point that she was basically helpless and hopeless in this kind of situation. Elise watched the ivory woman settle down on her stomach across from her, making the scar across her back much more visible - her sapphire gaze shifting down Mercy's form till her eyes landed on their paws that were just barely touching.

Even though she was generally pretty good about giving someone her full attention when they were talking to her or something of that sort, it was pretty rare that someone could fully capture her attention and keep her mind from wandering entirely. Her mind was still reeling, but now she was more intrigued and less concerned. With a 'humph', Elise settled down onto her stomach as well while she tired to sort out how she could possibly respond. She could of course see the point that Mercy was trying to make, but it just made her more confused if anything. "Well... What if... I wanted something like that..." she said, lifting her eyes shyly to find Mercy's much more bold violet gaze. "I mean, I wouldn't want someone to... take advantage of me, I guess, but you know..." She was blushing so strongly she was starting to wonder if it was possible to see though her deep, red fur. She wasn't completely ignorant when it came to things like having a mate and sex and all of those things, but her only frame of reference was what her father and mother had - just the two of them together in love. She had never considered someone coming on so strongly to her out of the blue as an almost complete stranger.