
Things have changed




3 Years

Valentines 2020
05-08-2020, 03:14 AM

Saren watched as his sister answered his questions. She didn’t have an exact answer as to why, but she explained things as she had seen them. It made sense to him though, the death of Malleus and the rise of Eligos to power. She didn’t explain it verbally so he guessed that the change in leadership was the implied reason for the loss in pack members. Differing world views in a leader would certainly be a reason to leave. He could see the passion in his sister’s eyes when she moved on to Eligos’s goals for the pack. He couldn’t say that he was aware of Malleus’s pack vision, but Eligos’s didn’t sound all that great to him.

He didn’t want to be known. Saren was a cog in a machine and he was just fine being that. Power or fame weren’t a part of his end goals, family and knowledge were. He wanted to stay here and be a part of his family again and possibly start his own in the future. To Saren in mattered more about the inner workings of things and how they as a pack worked, not how the outside world saw them. He had no problem with being open to the world about who they were, honesty was fine by him. Fame and notoriety just weren’t the path that he wanted to take. He didn’t agree with the idea of just taking either, he wanted to give. Saren wanted to be a part of a group that didn’t care about how they were viewed and yet tried to put more good into the world. Maybe now that he was here again he could fight for that, for them to be a pack that put more good into the world than evil. It was a lofty goal, but he could dream.

Saren began to formulate a response. “I like that. I can’t say that I want everyone to know who I am, but it’s a better goal than just taking from others. There’s always growing to do and while I don’t know if it’s my place to say having been gone for so much. I think that in time we can lead the pack to be greater than it is now.” It didn’t occur to him that Thalia and his ideas of greater might be different. “I trust that Eligos will lead us in a positive direction, I can sense how strongly you feel about it all.” Saren trusted his sister and by extension would put his trust in the pack, if she believed in it so would he.

[Image: dnxLkpo.png]