
Just Call Me What You Will...


08-26-2013, 07:54 PM
Tainted paws walked the earth in search of his next stop. Flashing blue eyes melted with the russet mask that surrounded his features. He was itching for some action...or was he looking to settle down and rest? His bloodlust had dissipated as of late, and so another longing called to him. What it was he wasn't sure. But it called...oh yes it called. Heavy paws swept through the warming snow, puddles melting around his feet. Summer was brutal in Alacritis, much more so then where he came from. Red tongue swiped across his nose, warming the chills that settled.

Scents began to waft around him, but none from the few he had met not too long ago. Those fools...easily dispatched. Mess with Uisge and you'd surely regret it. He had time with insolent whores who he left as quickly as he met them. Not waking them or bothering to say so much as a thank you or good bye as he left quietly each morning. But now, he was on his own again and bereft of any other contact. Save for those he had already taken care of. Creamy pillars stopped, russet ears twitched along with spotted shoulders as he gazed out into the forest. Someone was nearby...he could smell it. Swiftly and quietly, he followed the scent. And not long after he soon came upon the scents owner. A small smile crossed his features, as his eyes fell upon a dame not far from his sights.
"E o que poder?a estar facendo aqu??" (And what might you be doing out here?). Galician tongue fell from inky lips, knowing that this one might not understand him. But at the same time, forgetting that most others spoke only english...if she didn't understand, he'd try again with her tongue.