
marry me, today and everyday



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-08-2020, 06:44 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 06:45 AM by Roan.)

His grin wasn’t going to fade, not today and not tomorrow. Roan was happier in this moment than he had ever been in his life. He was going to devote himself wholly to the dainty woman and he wasn’t going to hesitate. He pulled back slightly as she asked to perform a ceremony, and he would never deny her that opportunity. Roan nodded softly, his smile still vibrant as she took out her soft rope and grabbed hold of his paw.

Roan watched as she wrapped their paws together, and he was forced to take a moment and admire the difference in size between their paws. She was a dainty thing, and he loved her more for it. He was caused to freeze as he listened to her words, bright verdant gaze lingering on her vibrant eyes. His heart thumped heavily in his chest. He was excited and practically melting with soft emotions. He knew there was no other he wanted to tie his life to. She finished with a mischievous grin and offered him up his own turn.

”You are my one and only,” he started softly with his loving gaze on hers. ”I promise to forever be faithful to you, my best, my worst. I’ll treasure you through thick and thin. I’ll fly with you during the highs and help to lift you from the lows. I promise to protect you, provide for you, and love you until my very last breath. I want to give you my heart and protect yours.” He whispered his vows to her softly, meaning every quiet word. The sun peeked over the horizon as he uttered his last word, and the day dawned on their new marriage. ”You’ll be my one and only. Always.” He promised as he just barely with held his urge to kiss her right then.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.