
Bring Out Yer Dead

[Raid Healing]


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-08-2020, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 03:11 PM by Malalia.)

"It was pretty noisy," she admitted. The heir had jogged up to her with a flurry of questions, but Mal was happy to keep up, bumping his shoulder amicably. She could never stay too sad around the cheerful pup. "But... it almost doesn't even matter, y'know? Your heart's pounding in your ears. All your energy, all your focus... you're putting everything into your own battle. You're constantly in motion and, and when you clash together, or score a hit, it's... it's really intense. It's great." And even though she lost, it truly had been. The weight of Plague against her, even as she pushed back. It wasn't just the desire to win that fueled her; it was pure adrenaline in that moment. "And I did bite him, here.... and here!" Mal snuck under Mortis to playfully press a wet, cold nose to his armpit, then the nape of his neck. "Trust me, he didn't get away with nothin'."

Indigo pressed a little closer, and the yearling took a moment to sit down before her audience of two, her tail swishing out over the grass behind her. "Sirius was amazing. He yelled out this battle cry, and then we were running out of the long grass. I only saw him fight a little before my own match, but he was badass," she confirmed. She'd never seen the Warlord fight before, and wished she could've seen the full spar. The man was a force to be reckoned with, charging across the plain with the force of a buffalo as he came for his own opponent... who appeared to be approaching now, it seemed. Mal was quietly grateful that she wasn't the only one here anymore, Armada or not.

"We all were. When I left, actually... the Armada was kicking ass." She puffed out her chest and gave Mort a fangy grin. "And of course you will. You're a warrior, aren't you? You might even be leading the charge one day, who knows." The young woman made a playful jab at his shoulder before hopping away, and oof, she'd landed a bit too hard on her foreleg. She winced, lifting up the injured limb, but for all that her tail kept swishing. Her words had been genuine. Mal had no doubt Mortis would make a phenomenal fighter one day. Hopefully leader, too.
