
Bring Out Yer Dead

[Raid Healing]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2020, 03:36 PM
Those that lost their matches began to pour in. It seemed that she would be patching up both sides, though she didn't mind. Malalia drew close first, looking rather embarrassed. Mort glued himself to her side, not thinking about whether or not the girl was wounded. He asked a million questions. Indigo had more self control, which she appreciated. Moving forward, she scooted Mort away from the injured girl. "You two can watch, but you can't touch. Save your questions for later. After a battle, you're likely to be injured and you're definitely going to be exhausted. There will be time for conversation after." Iolaire pointed to a place behind her supplies where they were to sit an observe.

Motioning for Malalia to come close, Iolaire inspected her wounds. Gently, she held the girls injured leg in one paw and manipulated it with the other, testing for breaks. "You'll be fine. A little sore for a while, but you'll heal well." With a clean square of deerskin, Io cleaned the bite wounds. She offered some willow bark to the girl for the pain. "If you'd like to sit and watch to see what you can learn, you're welcome. Otherwise you're free to go rest." She would leave it up to Malalia.

Venom came forward and she looked a little worse for wear. Like Malalia, she could see the defeat on the girl's face, but she did her best to hide it. Iolaire offered her a smile and, even though she said that she wasn't bleeding, the healer inspected her anyway. Just like her former patient, she offered Venom some willow bark for the pain. "If the bruising gets too bad on your neck, I have some salve that will help. I can send it home with you. Other than that, just get rest. I've set up furs for those wishing to do so." She motioned off to the side where there were thick piles of skins spaced out at the bottom of the garden. Each wolf would have a bit of privacy and wouldn't be sleeping on top of one another.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.