


08-26-2013, 08:12 PM
OOC Name: lau
How did you get here?: ciroc/ala merge
Age: old as dirt

Character's Name: Morte Achan Rafe
Age: 3 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 36" height
Appearance description: Flowing tapestry, spun from the darkest shadows of the earth, coat the man?s body in coarse pelage. Flawless with the exception of a stark mask of white on the left half of his face, making it appear as though two different creatures reside in one body when faced head on. Burning, blood-red jewels reside within hollow eye sockets, devoid of all emotions that any normal creature would feel. Monstrous body looms over those of an average stature, and even those of a larger stature, raised upon stilt-like legs which connect to well-muscled haunches. Beneath the coat and hyde of the paladin lies sinewy muscle, taught and strong clings to strong bones. Bulk of the monster comes from said muscle, but it is not a brutish bulk. While stronger than the average canid, Morte still retains a lean and hardened body due to having to survive on his own from a young age.

Large paws provide the man with a grace and balance that belies his large bodice. It is unwise to judge a book by its cover when coming to this man. Hulking structure would appear slow and uncoordinated, yet that is not the case. Long appendages, paired with those broad paws, provide the paladin with the ability to be nothing but a blur at full speed, though it is hardly ever used. Mutated from birth, the heathen is truly a demon risen from the depths of hell - one that none should ever hope to meet.
Duty: Slayer