
A hunt a day keeps the competition at bay




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-08-2020, 09:57 PM

Mortis was determined to get better at hunting, just like his brother was. He could track really well, he could keep quiet and patient in long grasses or behind trees. It was picking out his targets, and bringing them down, or chasing them, that was a lot harder. He was clumsy on his oversized paws, he didn’t get a devastating blow in first go, and he had been kicked a few times now in his effort to bring down anything bigger than a rabbit.

It meant that he was forced to really concentrate, and think about what he was doing. To plan ahead, to practice, practice, practice. It was frustrating, to say the least.

He made his way towards Mile High woods, where a wolf he and Azure had meet lived. He didn’t know her terribly well yet, but she was close to their age, she was outside of their pack, so he didn’t mind too much if she saw him fail multiple times, and she was determined. He hoped she would be amenable to learning with him. Having a hunting partner sounded a lot more fun.

It was a long way from the pack, so he had to get permission from his dad, and have Bast along as a babysitter, as well as his own two companions. That was okay, he was use to the leopards company. Armed with this, and the knowledge that his dad would be coming after him if he was gone too long, he would make his way out into the world. He started out strong, and got lost early on. In the end, he had to ask Bast to show him the way, since she was more travelled then he was. She led him halfway there, towards the Orchard, and told him that the next few lands wouldn’t find them any that would be good for hunting. He stopped there, raising his head, and calling out for her, loud and clear, and hoped that she would hear him. He settled in, expecting a wait, if she showed at all. She might not even remember him.
