
Just Call Me What You Will...



08-26-2013, 09:50 PM
They had stopped to rest near by after traveling so far already. Even though her bod was exhausted and sore she had spent most of her day searching. Nose would be contantly to theground, often geeting banged on rocks or the such. It was getting to th point that she would no longer feel the pain in it. She was completely focused on her task, such a habit but it was drangerous. Often times she forgot what was around her. She crused under her breath and lifted her head. This place was beautiful and different in it's own way. Th melting ice was still standing even at this timef the year. Ice pillars making grand arches and spectacular views.

She had left her brothers to rest while she searched for herbs. She was always looking for anything to help her brother. There just had to be somehing out there that could help him. Jus had to be. Not to mention all their paws were sore and she needed to find something for that too. Though her luck was running very low today. With a huff the tiny cream female bent her head back do to return to her slow zig-zaging search. She would not realize another watched her from not to far away. It was not till a voice sounded that her head snapped up to turn in the direction to the owner of the words. Her two toned gaze traveled over the new commer, his feature quite striking and appealing. His words were not her main tongue she spoke but she did understand a few words. She was greatful she had met so many wolves that had taught her so much. It took a few mintues for her to translate what he said."Buscando ... e como sobre algu?n como vostede, se?or?" She called out softly. She new a few words so soon she figured this would not last long unless he spoke english too.