


08-26-2013, 10:05 PM
this /may/ or may not turn into a fight, but it won't be anything drastic xD

Determination would set her countenance with a rigid expression as the ardent banshee traipsed across the summer foliage on her journey to the rugged expanse where she had initially met the brutish goliath that now sired her juvenile hellhounds, poised immaculately as a juggernaut with her defenses set in lockdown and a maleficent gleam dancing across her metallic eyes. The phantom queen?s diseased mind had been wracked with depressive thoughts relative to her recent failure, but since she had stalked upon the reclaiming of Tortuga by the behemoth ex-sovereign of Amenti to witness her chosen sire?s display of betrayal, sinister ambitions of vengeance had plagued her head and tweaked the once-pitiful excuse of a self-proclaimed imperial queen into her former and malevolent self. She felt at ease again, comfortable in the skin that had been shed at the demise of all of her enemies now only to adorn her once more as hatred was rekindled in her bones towards the male that she had lain with for the first time, insecurities withering away at the recognition of a new purpose: forcing the fool to pay hell for his mistake. Not a single soul was exempt from her spite once they had betrayed her ? not even the male that had breathed life into her most precious possessions.

Scuffed paw-pads would impact the jagged surface of multiple fragments of stone, audible clicks breaching the stagnant air as her mass shifted upon the rock surface and she maneuvered tentatively towards the gargantuan boulder marking the epicenter of the deserted landscape, skull and tail aligned with her spinal column as her pupils raped the area, half-expecting her newest adversary to enter the area as he had during their first encounter. Alas, the male had vacated the rocky plains, though as she inspected the territory with her senses, she could clearly distinguish his masculine aroma that embellished the stone littering the earth, evidently recent judging by the strength of it. Velveteen nostrils quivered as she wrinkled her muzzle with a hint of disgust, bleached incisors protruding from leathery lips gone awry at the commemoration of Seraphim: ? Fucking bastard! She would have his head or what lurked between his limbs; whichever he valued most.

Satisfied with her positioning and confident that the object of pursuit was near, the wraith drew her skull back, allowing a domineering song to cascade from her gaping jaws to summon the male and to possibly attract her children that were situated at the springs not far from where she was currently located ? their presence not dire but welcomed. They deserved to know of their father?s heinous crimes, after all, and she could only presume that they would be just as displeased as she was by his actions. After a few moments of prolonged beckon, the wraith?s skull descended to its original position, digits individually flexing in preparation for the expected outcome to this little meeting, dull nails grappling the rocks beneath her mass to keep her grounded.