
Draw Your Sword!



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-10-2020, 05:38 PM

He’d been hanging near the young wolf since their encounter with the coyotes and bear, like some distant guardian. Her free-spirited nature and tenacity had intrigued him. True, wolves did mature much more quickly than horses—alas, that also meant they aged and died much sooner, whereas a horse who was savvy with surviving harsh winters and hot summers could surpass their twenties and still look like a horse in their prime.

As the howl summoned across the prairie, full of spark and challenge, he chuckled softly before tossing his head in a light ‘why not’ gesture.

Wangui had rejoined himself and Isolde, and he bowed his head, letting the lemur detach the blade coil from his horn, leaving it bare and less dangerous. The point was still sharp, but if he used it on the young wolf, he’d merely swat with the flat, rather than raking with the tip or plunging it in.

He ambled toward the young wolf, Isolde floating on the winter thermals above and Wangui riding on his withers and peering at the pup as Taliesyn smiled down at the wolf, greeting easily, “Hello Mæva. Might I claim this spar?”

His deep voice was almost playful. It would be quite different from teaching his sons to spar, or daughters to defend themselves, but he figured it would be fun to spar a wolf. After all, his mother had sparred often with the wolves she'd become an honorary family member to.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think