
Take this moment



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-10-2020, 11:25 PM

The loss was expected. Mal didn't feel shame, or bitterness. With her heart pounding in her ears and her chest heaving with breath... Truth be told, she wasn't feeling anything aside from her current exhaustion. The yearling had put everything she had into the match, and she wasn't about to get up, right this second. "I'm okay." She closed her eyes, tasted the blood in her mouth from her bitten tongue. "Pachou, what about you?" A squeak was her answer, and suddenly the kit was nosing under her chin, and encouraging her to stand.

Okay, ya little brat. Malalia slowly moved to her paws. Her left side was bruised where the Sirius-train had ran into her, and her right side wasn't much better with her crash into the dirt. There was the kick to the face, and her jaw was definitely sore. But otherwise, she was pretty unscathed. Huh. "You know, I kind of expected more blood to be honest..."

The Warlord's words puzzled her, just for a moment. "Am I supposed to train easy? You... you just gave me Pach, and the claws. Now that I'm saying it, I don't even know how much you had to give up for them...." She simply shrugged. "The least I could do was try and make the most of them." The fear of disappointing her mentor had kept her on her toes. Every waking moment since she had received her gifts, Malalia had been training, and sparring where she could.

It had been a relief to hear his praise, though. She smiled lightly. "You can thank Zeitgeist for that. She gave me a couple of pointers. Oh, and this wolf from Valhalla I ran into." A huge chunk of her training had pivoted around their advice. That in mind, she nodded at the Warlord's, brightening a little to hear that she was "officially" cleared to fight wolves larger than herself.


[OOC: I cannot read apparently. When you said "little one" I thought you were talking to her wolverine for a second lmao]