
Favorite Dish of the River


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-11-2020, 01:55 AM

Mal narrowed her eyes at Rayios, a playful glint shining through her slitted green gaze. "Wouldn't you like to know," she huffed, and turned away, a smirk threatening to upturn the corners of her lips. She let that sink in the air for a good while before gracing the boy with an answer. "You've been looking like someone's gonna bite your tail off since I first came up to you. Now you're teaching me how to fish."

She shrugged, and tossed a genuine smile his way, her eyes practically sparkling. "I thought you'd have gotten rid of me by now, that's all... Or maybe I'm more charming than I thought." She slid him a teasing glance before chuckling, giving a little shake of her head and returning her gaze to the riverbank once again.

Before long, they'd come to a part of the water that Raiyos deemed acceptable. Her eyes rolled skyward when he deemed himself a "master," but did watch,  following as he found his footing amongst the precarious stones, and taught her the ways of fishing. The wolf was very, very still... and, cued from some signal unseen by her, his head would strike forward, the water splashing up around him. Malalia lifted her head just as Raiyos did the same, a squiggling bass flapping helplessly in his jaws.

Her tail began to wag, and when he plopped the bass at her feet she gave a good-natured snort. "Not gonna lie... from someone who's never fished before, that was pretty awesome." The compliment was genuine and given freely. "Mind if I try?"

Before he could respond, Mal had already paced over to the same crop of slippery stones, placing her paws deliberately and carefully on each surface as the river rushed around her. And then, she was very.... very.... still.
