
to make your point



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-11-2020, 06:20 AM
Siren Primrose

The girl whimpered softly as Chimera suddenly chastised her for her show of fear as she coward on the ground and tried to disappear. He continued, telling her calmly that if she remained where she was the ghosts of the dead would come up from the deep earth to grab her and drag her back down beneath with them. She wondered for a moment if she was dead she wouldn’t be scared anymore, but her will to live was stronger than that and the fear held onto her much too tightly. She just so happened to be their favorite prey.

Chimera did give her an out, if she could manage to stay above rock the dead would be unable to grasp her. With a whimper and a quick movement she hopped up from crouching in the dirt and scrambled fervently to ascend the rock. Siren managed to make it to a perch in time to catch Chi stumble, but as he brought himself back up to his proud stance her eyes grew wide.

For a moment she could only see him from her damaged silver eye. The image terrified her. Chimera sat on a mountain of bone and blood, the bodies beneath him quivered in terror and pain as he lounged. Full grown and massive, a classic Klein smirk playing on his features as he took pleasure in the massacre. Siren blinked the image away barely catching Chi as he questioned their mother’s motives when leaving her out here on her own. Deathbelle told her she was never really alone, someone was always watching her, but here with Chi she couldn’t believe that.

Maybe she was broken.

Siren couldn’t handle the vision on top of the emotion and confusion he elicited from her. Tears welled up into her eyes as she lowered herself over the rock and cried. Determined to stay right here until her mother came looking for her. If her mother came looking for her.
