
let me knight all of you!

post raid rank up meeting



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-12-2020, 10:54 AM
Void listened quietly, leaning softly against his mother as Theory started to speak. He felt pride well up in his breast for both mother and brother. He couldn’t deny his brother’s bravery but they all did what they had to do. He hadn’t hesitated in protecting the pack and his mother, he’d only just gotten her and Spirit back. The yearling struggled with experiencing emotions but here and now in this moment he felt like he truly belonged to something bigger. For the first time in his life that he meant something beyond being a sentient bag of flesh.

He hadn’t done it for a promotion or glory or what have you, he did it because it was the right thing to do. Even if he wasn’t very skilled everyone was needed and he’d managed to prove himself. He swallowed hard as Theory turned her attention to him in the very end. He would be the only one asked to choose his rank. Void wasn’t one to do well being put on the spot, and his discomfort was obvious as he leaned more heavily against Eulogy’s side. Where would he best fit in Abaven? Did he want to be a warrior? He’d never had aspirations for the position, he much preferred to explore and move. It was hard for him to sit still during training even if he needed it.

”I’d like to be a scout, Theory.” He offered up in his deepening voice. He didn’t know what the rank was called, but he wanted to be part of border patrol and he wanted to see the world.