


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-13-2020, 12:16 AM
[OOC: Ayyy, I feel honored lol! I'll definitely hop over there, I'm down to do the seasonal!]

The yearling settled down in front of the tools and lay her head on her paws, eyes following the motion of the pestle as Cairo rocked it back and forth within the mortar stone. For one unused to the ways of tools, it was simpler than she thought. She'd essentially be crushing up the herb with a stone instead of her teeth... which was probably a lot cleaner. Her tail swished behind her, in time to the rhythm of its movements -- the regular grate of the pestle against the mortar was surprisingly musical, and almost trance-like.

Cairo nudged it to her, then. Mal bit off a piece that would fit into the mortar and dropped it into the well. The honey was also something new... but when she thought about it, it made sense that the sticky-sweet substance would be useful in that way. She might've thought to use catchweed burrs or spiderwebs, but perhaps the honey was even better in that regard, mixing with the entire salve rather than being applied onto it like the former were.

Still... she didn't expect the gift. She reached for the bottle of honey, carefully taking out the stopper with the bottle fitted between her paws. She laid it aside, and then added a few dribbles to the mortar, checked, and added a little more before bottling up the honey.

She dropped the rounded stone into the mortar. "You sure you don't need it?" The question was muted as she began to rock the the pestle against the herb. It was a little harder at first, but eventually she found her rhythm, grinding the horsetail-and-honey mixture until it was a thick paste, slightly goopy with the honey. With her nose, she nudged the setup back over to Cairo. Malalia got to her feet and paced over to examine the gash on his hip. "May I?"
